News and Articles Archives

Florida Keys Daytime Swordfish Charters

Florida Keys Daytime Swordfish Charters Swordfish are part of the billfish family and commonly known as “broadbills”. They have long flat bills that they used to slash at prey in order to injure it for an easier catch. Swordfish have soft mouths; they lose all their teeth and scales by adulthood. Swordfish spend most of their day near the bottom in depths up to 1850 feet. For this reason, Florida Keys fishermen typically target Swordfish at night. Over the last ten years, fishermen in the Keys have discovered that Sword fishing can be very successful during the day with [...]

The “Secret” to Winning Florida Keys Sailfish Tournaments

The "Secret" to Winning Florida Keys Sailfish Tournaments Sailfish Tournaments are held in the Florida Keys between November and April when Sailfish are most plentiful. While the Main Attraction promotes a sense of comradery and teamwork among its crew there is a friendly competition that exists between boats for the best catches on a daily basis. This passion for putting together great catches and spirit of competitiveness is why the Main Attraction team enjoys tournament fishing so much. The idea of the best charter boats in the Keys putting their skills to the test for the top title [...]

January 29th, 2019|Categories: Billfish, Main Attraction I, Offshore, Sailfish, Secrets to Success|Tags: , |

Why we use live bait in the Florida Keys

Why we use live bait in the Florida Keys From October through May, the Main Attraction Fishing Charter Team meets daily at the dock at 5:30 am to go on “bait runs. Hours before their day officially begins, our crew is out on the water looking and throwing their cast nets to catch fresh live bait. With four charter boats in service, it is a full-time job to keep each vessel stocked with the proper bait supply. Many charter vessels throughout the keys use your “fishing” time to catch bait; however, we do not. The only [...]

December 15th, 2018|Categories: Billfish, Offshore, Sailfish|Tags: |

2019 Sailfish Season Approaches

2019 Sailfish Season Approaches As “winter” approaches in the Florida Keys, many enthusiastic anglers know Sailfish season is upon us. After a record-smashing Sailfish season last year, the Main Attraction Charter Fishing Team is excited to see what this year brings. The majority of Sailfish tournaments in the Florida Keys are held between November and April, the typical windy months. The Main Attraction Fishing team primarily uses two methods to catch sailfish, sight fishing, and kite fishing. When the gulf stream pushes in closer to inshore waters it creates a sort of highway for Sailfish. As the Sailfish travel [...]

December 8th, 2018|Categories: Billfish, Main Attraction I, Offshore, Sailfish|