First Sailfish Of The Season! – November Fishing Update
Earlier this month we published an article entitled: Ten Bluewater Slams in a Single Trip. This article told the story of William Cully and his family, who had an epic offshore trip, catching 10 Wahoo, 10 Tuna, and 11 Mahi in a single day. The day we published that article, William was already back at it with some friends aboard the Main One with Captain Marty Lewis at the helm again. In the article, we promised a follow-up to see what they caught that day; here is that article! Williams Epic Trip Last Month [...]
Florida Keys Spring Fishing Report – March 2024
When it comes to fishing in the Florida Keys, March is one of the busiest months of the year, and we happily embrace it! Recently, we've had the pleasure of hosting many spring breakers and their families, who have been fortunate to experience the outstanding, consistent fishing we have been enjoying. Yellowtail Snapper The Florida Keys are a special place to fish because of the variety of species available, and spring is no exception. On the Reef, the Yellowtail Snapper bite is consistent this time of year, and we even get to catch very [...]
All About Mutton Snapper – Florida Keys Mutton Snapper Facts
Last week we published an article about the secrets to successfully catching Mutton Snapper. We received such great feedback on it that we decided to spend some time learning more about this fascinating fish this week. We know how to catch it, but what else do we know about this intriguing fish? The Mutton Snapper is scientifically known as Lutjanus analis. Analis refers to its pointed anal fin, which helps to identify it versus other juvenile snappers. Mutton Snappers belong to the family Lutjanidae which contains other famous members such as the Red Snapper, Yellowtail Snapper, and [...]
The Secret To Successful Mutton Snapper Fishing Trips
You may have recently seen quite a few photos of our customers with Mutton Snapper on social media. While our customers love to catch Mahi this time of year, it has been unusually inconsistent lately. Fortunately, there is a variety of species to catch in our waters year-round, including the delicious Mutton Snapper. Depending on where and when you fish for Mutton Snapper, how you target them might be vastly different. If you have ever fished for Mutton Snapper in Key West, you most likely have done it differently than we do here in Marathon, Florida [...]
Springtime Wreck Fishing in the Florida Keys
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, no it's not Christmas, it's springtime in the Florida Keys! Florida Keys springtime fishing offers a wide variety of species to be caught, along with an equally diverse set of fishing conditions. This time of year we aren’t typically fishing as far from land as we do later on in the year. When it comes to fishing in the Spring, less travel time means longer fishing time! While Yellowtail Snapper are delicious to eat and can still be found on the Reef in the springtime, many of our customers [...]
Wintertime Wreck Fishing in the Florida Keys
As “winter” approaches in the Florida Keys and temperatures cool to a comfortable 75 degrees the fishing heats up big-time on the reef. The Florida reef is the only living coral barrier reef in the continental United States. In addition to the living reef, the Florida Keys has a multitude of artificial reefs on the ocean floor created by sunken wrecks and debris. Beyond the living reef in the Keys, there is not much more natural structure on the ocean floor as it is mostly sand beds. To provide more housing and spawning opportunities for fish, Florida has [...]