All About The Atlantic Tarpon – Facts About Florida Keys Tarpon
The Atlantic Tarpon (megalops atlanticus) is one of the most exciting species of fish alive today. Millions of anglers travel to Florida yearly to catch the “Silver King.” Capable of reaching 8 feet in length and 280lbs in weight, this fish is a formidable opponent for any angler that steps up to the challenge. Nutrition and Growth Atlantic Tarpon primarily eat Mullet, pinfish, sardines/pilchards, shrimps, and crabs. This slow-growing fish takes eight years before it can reproduce and 16 years to reach full length. Tarpon lifespans can reach upwards of 60 years. Tarpon have existed since the [...]
Florida Keys 2019 Tarpon Season
Florida Keys 2019 Tarpon Season Its that time of the year again in the Florida Keys, where the waters start to warm up and boats start to show up under bridges in the early mornings and late evening, in search of the Silver King, better known as Tarpon. Tarpon fishing is best in April through August in the Florida Keys. While there are Tarpon that will stay in the Keys year round, the spring and summer months include massive schools made up of tens of thousands of migratory Tarpon stopping by to feed and spawn. This event creates some [...]